Oral drop

10 drops for adult/ children half the dose

Product Name Purpose
BM 1 Inflammation & Tonsilitis
BM 2 Haemorrhoids & Anal fissure
BM 3 Liver and gall bladder disorders
BM 4 Diarrhoea and dysentery
BM 5 Toxins drainage & Immunity improver
BM 6 Leucorrhoea & assciated complaints
BM 7 Skin ailments & psoriasis
BM 8 Rhinitis & Sinusitis
BM 9 Mumps & lymphoditis
BM 10 Diabetes mellitus control
BM 11 Headache migraine & neuritis
BM 12 Hyperacidity & gastritis
BM 13 Acute chronic cough & bronchitis
BM 14 Ammenorrhoea & dysmenorrhoea
BM 15 Muscular & joint rheumatism
BM 16 Palpitation & Nervous Excitability
BM 17 Treatment of tension & depression
BM 18 Weakness of vision
BM 19 Ravenous hunger – obesity
BM 20 Blood purification
BM 21 Acute & chronic constipation
BM 22 Low Blood Pressure
BM 23 Treatment of Bed Wetting
BM 24 Treatment of weak memory
BM 25 Sleepness, insomnia
BM 26 Allergy and Asthma
BM 27 Stops bleeding from any orifice of the body
BM 28 Aphonia Laryngitis and Pharangitis
BM 29 Albuminuria Nephritis – Cystitis
BM 30 Epilepsy & Convulsions
BM 31 Varicose Ulcers
BM 32 Spleen Disorders
BM 33 Anaemia
BM 34 Pneumonia Bacterial & Viral
BM 35 Lumbago & Sciatica
BM 36 Fibroids & Ovarian Cysts
BM 37 Thyroid Tumour
BM 38 Acne Pimples
BM 39 Allergy & Urticaria
BM 40 Paralysis, Paraesthesia
BM 41 Lack of Appetite
BM 42 Fever Typhoid & Malarial
BM 43 All Kinds of Worms
BM 44 Infertility ( Female )
BM 45 Prostatitis & Its Enlargement
BM 46 Toothache & Gingivitis
BM 47 Homoeopathic Analgesic
BM 48 Measles
BM 49 Undeveloped Breast
BM 50 Height Gainer
BM 51 Hepatitis ( A,B,C )
BM 52 Hepatitis C
BM 53 RT. Sided Abdominal Affections
BM 54 Lt. Sided Abdominal Affections
BM 55 Anti Smoking
BM 56 Sinusitis
BM 57 Antibiotics Reactions
BM 58 Choleithiases
BM 59 E.N.T Disorders
BM 60 Uterine Fibroids
BM 61 Acute Renal Failure
BM 62 Cirrhosis ( Liver )
BM 63 Alopecia
BM 64 Chronic Kidney Failure
BM 65 Cholecystitis
BM 66 Leucoderma
BM 67 Nephrolithiases
BM 68 Paralysis Facial
BM 69 Sterility ( male ) Azospermia
BM 70 Grey Hair Premature
BM 71 Tinnitus
BM 72 Cancer Prostate
BM 73 Gangrene
BM 74 Liver Cancer
BM 75 Malignant Growth
BM 76 Tuberculosis
BM 77 Colon Cancer
BM 78 Stomach Malignant
BM 79 Rectum & Anus Malignant
BM 80 Sterility Female
BM 81 Marrow System
BM 82 Face Wrinkle
BM 83 Forehead Wrinkle
BM 84 Sperm System
BM 85 Glaucoma
BM 96 Adenoids
BM 97 Asthma Allergies
BM 98 Climacteric Changes
BM 99 Gouty Arthritis
BM 100 Nasal Poly
BM 101 Goitre
BM 102 Epilepsy
BM 103 Gastroduedenal Ulcer
BM 104 Prostate Disorder
BM 105 Masturbation
BM 106 Piles
BM 107 Vitamin Deficiency
BM 108 Paralysis General
BM 109 Asthma ( Chronic )
BM 110 Backache in Women
BM 111 Echzema
BM 112 Gleet
BM 113 Nocturnal Emission
BM 114 Osteoarthritis
BM 115 Stomatitis
BM 116 High Blood Pressure
BM 117 Deafness
BM 118 Depression ( Adults )
BM 119 Tonsils Diseased
BM 120 Dysmenorrhoea
BM 121 Herpez Simplex Virus
BM 122 Prostate Hyperthrophy
BM 123 Trigeminal Neuralgia
BM 124 Renal Calculi
BM 125 Herpes Zoster
BM 126 Prostatitis
BM 127 Pulmonary Weakness
BM 128 Pyelonephritis
BM 129 Pancreatitis
BM 130 Prostate Enlarged
BM 131 Diabetes Tonic
BM 132 Night Blindness
BM 133 Fistula in ano
BM 134 Fistula
BM 135 Lipid Profiles High
BM 136 Multiple Sclerosis
BM 137 Mania
BM 138 Blood Sugar
BM 139 Rheumatoid Arthritis
BM 140 Spondylosis
BM 151 Bedwetting
BM 152 Chicken Pox
BM 153 Diuretic
BM 154 Dyspeptic Syndromes
BM 155 Epistaxis
BM 156 Flatulence & Dyspepsia
BM 157 Hypotension
BM 158 Jaundice
BM 159 Leucorrhoea
BM 160 Menopause
BM 161 Migraine & Neuralgia
BM 162 Warts
BM 163 Catarrh
BM 164 Polyuria
BM 165 Bronchitis
BM 166 Dysentery
BM 167 Appendicitis
BM 168 Mumps
BM 169 Fever
BM 170 Indigestion
BM 171 Measles
BM 172 Tonsilitis
BM 173 Urticaria
BM 174 Easy Teething
BM 175 Constipation ( Habitual )
BM 176 Prickly Heat
BM 177 Chest pain
BM 178 Vaccine Aggravation
BM 179 Angina Pectoris
BM 180 Anxious Constitution
BM 181 Ascites
BM 182 Carbuncle
BM 183 Cataract
BM 184 Bladder Irritation Cystitis
BM 185 Defensive Stimulant
BM 186 Emotional shocks
BM 187 Energising
BM 188 Hayfever Allergies
BM 189 Hysteria
BM 190 Insomnia
BM 191 Itching Genitals
BM 192 Kidney & Bladder
BM 193 Nephritis
BM 194 Parkinson’s Disease
BM 195 Peptic Ulcer
BM 196 Cervical Spine
BM 197 Lumbo – Sacral
BM 198 Rheumatism Improves by Movement
BM 199 Rheumatism Improves by Rest
BM 200 Rheumatism improves by Cold
BM 201 Rheumatism Improves by Heat
BM 202 Miscarriage
BM 203 Sciatica
BM 204 Hypothyroidism
BM 205 Travel Sickness
BM 206 Tremors of Hands
BM 207 Vomiting of Pregnancy
BM 208 Anaemia & debility
BM 209 Haematuria
BM 210 Liver & Intestinal Symptoms
BM 211 Scabies
BM 212 Dread of Illness
BM 213 Faulty Assimilations of Food
BM 214 Elderly Weakness
BM 215 Belching
BM 216 Asthma Cardiac
BM 217 Tumour
BM 218 Croup
BM 219 Sleepness
BM 220 Colitis
BM 221 Degeneration ( Bones )
BM 222 Superinfections
BM 223 Freckles
BM 224 Frozen Shoulder
BM 225 Quinsy
BM 226 Eczema ( Ear )
BM 227 Gingivitis
BM 228 Growth Hormones
BM 229 Hyeracidity
BM 230 Heel Pain
BM 231 Marasmus
BM 232 Menstrual Pain
BM 233 Cough Spasmodic
BM 234 Influenza
BM 235 Hypoglycemia
BM 236 Intercostalgia
BM 237 Tonsils (Inflammed and Painful)
BM 238 Worms (Round, Tape,Thread)
BM 239 Blood Circulation
BM 240 Gynaecological Infections
BM 241 Vertigo
BM 242 Anal Prolapse
BM 243 Schizophrenia
BM 244 Myopia
BM 245 CLD (Ch,Liver disease)
BM 246 Hernia
BM 247 Obesity
BM 248 Osteoporosis
BM 249 Foul Breath
BM 250 Hydrocele
BM 251 Hydrocephalus
BM 252 Arterio-sclerosis
BM 253 Easy-child Birth
BM 254 Sun Stroke
BM 255 Varicose Vein
BM 256 Anti-Lice
Arthribid Arthritis,Oteoarthritis,Muscular Rheumatism
Diocarde Nervous Heart Drops
Hair Support Hair care & Nourishment Drops
Infant Relax Colic drops
Olium Jecoris Unwanted facial hair Drops
Rauwolfia Hypertension Control Drops
Rene Cure UTI & Kub Calculus Drops
Syz-jambol Diabetes Control Drops
Vitagene Vigour & Vitality


Alfalfa Tonic Recommended to improve appetite & defensive mechanism
Alfalfa & Ginseng Revitalization
Ashoka Gordial Menstrual disorders & Leucorrhoea
Baby Tonic Colic Restlessness & Dentition
Baptisia Fever Remedy
Bryonia cough Immediate Cough Relief
Chesty Cough Expectorant loosens Phlegm & Mucous
Ginseng Tonic Strengths Nerves & Brain Tonic
Hepatolive Liver, biliary & digestive disorders
Nux Vomica Flatulence Indigestion & Acidity
Nux ( D.S. ) Stomach Disorders
Podophyllum Diarrhoea & Dysentery treatment
Rene Cure UTI & Kub Calculus
Alfalfa ( REQ ) Anaemia, exhaustion, loss of appetite, convalascence, loss of weight etcHaving a selective action on brain, & nervous system. Best tonic for
Avena Super nervous exhaustion, sexual debility, spermatorrhoea, impotency, frigidity,of females, sleeplessness incontinence in old people. A useful diuretic


(External use only)

Calendula Abscesses, boils burns, carbuncles & fistula
Rhux Tox Pain in joints, muscles, knee & hip arthritis
Eczema Eczema, rashes & other skin problems
Pimples Cure Effective cure for acne & pimples
Skookum Chuck All types of skin diseases with offensive smell, urticaria, eczema, burns,
scalds & haemorrhoids
A boon and balm for headaches, useful in muscular pain, sewollen joints
Belladonna & glands with redness and tenderness, masitis, orchitis,
painful haemorrhoids
Hammelis In bleeding piles, all fissures, ulcerations, varicose veins, ithcing &
bleeding from rectum.  Also useful for cracked & sore lips
Aesculus Hips For protruding, purple and non bleeding piles.  Also useful in blind piles,
cracks of the anus and fissures
Echinacea Carbuncles, insect bites, gangrene
Arnica mont Injury, sprains & wounds, eruptions, pimples, ecchymosis, bed sores
Graphites Sore nipples, eczema, pimples & acne, eruptions, with sticky exudation,
gouty, nodosities
Sulphur Itches, frecckles, pruritus, skin eruptions
Analgesic cream Pains associated with all types of rheumatic and inflammatory
pain in muscles, joint and soft tissue
Charmskin Chapped skin, frost bite, cracked nipples, blisters, sunburns, pimplex,
blotches, acne -scars-frockles
 Rheumatism of joints & muscles. Gout of small & large joints.
Moov Hardening of the muscles. Traumatic compressions, strained muscles.
Muscles & body pain following exposure to wind & rain
Harrmorrhoid cream Symptomatic treatment of haemorrhoids
Atomare Beckeron Injuries due to sport & work, neuralgias, muscular soreness, prolapse
disc, after amputation, paralysis due to stroke, furuncles & carbuncles


Product Name Purpose
Bio – calcium Calcium Deficiency
Arthibid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis & Muscular Rheumatism
Doloex Anti Neuralgic
Femolin Female disorder ( Gynae & Obst )
Ginseng After effects of sexual disorders
Golden Strokes A Sexual Tonic for Men
Hair Support Hair care & Nourishment
Hepatolive Liver, biliary & digestive disorders
Homoeolax Constipation treatment
Nux vom Stomach disorders, Flatulence, Indigestion
Rauwolfia Hypertension Control
Calcarea Fluorica 6x Protect from cataract, Varicose and enlarged veins. Hard and stonyglands, rheumatism by cold. Malnutrition of bones.
Calcarea Sulph 6x Bronchitis, tonsilitis, mucous discharge yellow & broad spectrumanti infection.
Calcarea Phos 6x Malnutrition, delayed dentition, Calcium deficiency, slow learner.
Kali Sulph 6x Inflammation of third stage, bronchitis, inner ear infection, better incool and fresh air.
Ferrum phos 6x Anaemic, Nervous and sensitive, Acute bronchitis, Haemorrhages,Enuresis, Aphonia.
Kali Mur 6x Tonsilitis and nasal catarrh, pneumonia, rheumatic fever, glandularswelling, coated tongue, constipation & leucorrhoea.
Kali phos 6x Weak Memory, Neurasthenia, Mental and Physical depression.
Magnesia Phos 6x Great antispasmodic, Muscular Neuralgia, Colic HeadacheToothache & dysmenorrhoea.
Natrum Mur 6x Anaemic, patients, weight loss delayed menstruation, coldness,indigestion, dyspepsia, eczema, great debility and neuralgia
Natrum Phos 6x Regulates the functions of stomach, intestines, kidney and joints.All discharges are sour, kidney stone UTI, enuresis and rheumatism
Natrum Suph 6x Maintains water balance, regulates body secretion, hepaticcongestion, greenish sputum & rhematism.
Silicea 6x Useful in hair, nails and teeth diseases, ricket, slow in learning towalk, chronic bronchitis, eliminates pus discharges.
Anti sulph Aur 3x A known remedy for obstruction in nostrils, scanty secretion, smallcrust which bleeds when removed, naso-pharynx secretion, rawness& soreness in posterior nares.
Anti Pyrinum 3x Antipyretic, Analgesic, Headache, Toothache, Ovarian neuralgia &dysmenorrhoea, Acute cold fever.
Arsenic Sulph Flav 3x A known remedy in treating leucoderma and squamous syphilides.Chafed skin. Itching of the upper things, anal and groin area. Scalydry skin often red or brownish red, with sharp borders.
Carbo Veg 3x Imperfect Oxidation after effects of previous illness, abdominaldistentions, slow digestion, eructation, feeling of fullness & flatulentcolic.
China Sulph 3x Fever, Malarial infections, Headache Increases immunity, Muscularweakness, Suppurative nephritis.
Cholestrinum 3x Gall stones. Precipitation of cholesterol and bile in the gallbladder. Chronic indigestion. Moderate to intense pain in the gallbladder area. Raised bilirubin. Inflammation of gall bladder. Nausea and vomiting.
Corallium Rubrum 3x Whooping, cough with redness of face. Post nastal dripping, Flowof mucus in pharynx, Rhinitis sinusitis, diabetes, headache, osteoporosis, muscle cramps.
Cuprum Oxidatum Nigrum 3x Effective to expel tapeworms and crichinosis. Children particularlybenefitted.
Damiana 3x Nervous strengthening remedy. Ancient reputation as producing venereal desire. Action on central nervous and hormonal system.Useful anti depressant, depression is basically due to the sexualfactor, correct the frigidity in the females & male sexual impotence.
Ginko Bilobo 3x Indicated Particularly circulatory system, brain tonic, memory tonic, remedy for senility and mental dullness.A unique remedy increasesvisual activity improves hearing in elderly. Relief tension and anxiety and improves mental alertness. Elevates mood and restores energy. Tinnitus, sexual dysfunction and Raynaud’s disease.
Graphites 3x Pimples, acne, oozing eruption, unhealthy skin, skin becomeseasily infected. Eczema of ears and behind the ears, scabies, skincracks fissures, eruptions, eruption of pimples with much itching.
Gun Powder 3x Burning of stomach causing hunger. Useful remedy to treat the wounds, blood poisoning of many kinds.Use of gun powder protects against wound infections. Remedyfor snake bites. Carbuncles, diabetic ulcers.
Hekla Lava 3x Painful bone spurs, acts upon the jaws pain, dental sensitivity,gum abscess, Caries of the bone, tooth decay. Abscess with facial swelling, swollen glands, Neuralgia, nasal polyrs. Ulcerationof nasal bones
Naphthalinum 3x Hay fever, whoozing cough, bronchitis, asthama, allergy of theautumn with allergy to late summer, uncomfortable in air-conditioning and over heating, vitality and strength zero,
pulmonary emphysema, pulmonary phthisis & gonorrhoea.
Orchitinum 3x Suffering of climacteric changes. Impotency and snility. Inflammation of testicles. Poor nutrition, asthenia, instability ofnervous systems. Debility
Ova Tosta 3x Leucorrhoea. Backache. Pain in the left hip. Bearing down sensation. Swelling of vulva. Curd like vaginal discharge
Santonium 3x Remarkable remedy to expel worms, parasites, esp round wormsand thread worms, itchy anus, nocturia, enuresis & cloudy urine
Selenium 3x Essential for normal functioning of the immune system & thyroidgland. Selenium is also used as an antioxidant & helps to relievethe symptoms of arthritis, dry skin, dandruff, the development of cataracts & fatigue. Selenium components is important for lifeextension. It also benefits for elderly persons, stimulates the productionj of immune system, boosting white blood cells,symptoms of impotency and lack of sexual vitality
Skookum Chuk 3x Natural mineral salt to treat skin diseases, strong affinity for skin &mucous membranes, anti – psoric remedy, eczema, dry skin,otitis media, ichorous, urticaria
Sulphur 3x Considerable skin problems, worse from warmth & washing.Temporarily relieved from scratching. Mental stress, irritability,depression fever & headache. Dry hair, dry skin eczema, stubbornacne, piles, tinnitus & blistered skin.
Sulphur Iodatum 3x Treats skin eruptions, redness due to vaccination reaction.Swelling of uvula & tonsils, eases generalised aches, detoxifies theimmune system, restlessness of lower extremities, osteo-arthritis& cramps.
Uranium Nitricum 3x Diabetes, high blood pressure & dropsy, unable to retain urine without pain, enuresis, ill-tempered, depression, pain in pyloricregion gastric & duodenal ulcers, emaciation and tympanites.
Yohimbinum 3x Enhances the sexual vitality. Impotency. Useful in erectileperformance, increases lubido.
Biochmic No 28 This Bio Combination is effective to manage of the body weaknessess caused by physical, mental & general over work.Used as general tonic regardless to age & sex.
Five Phos 6x Effective compositum for physical, mental, general & nervous problems. Indication caused by some shock. Useful in lactating mothers & elderly women. Five Phos is used as general tonic to keep you fresh all the day long.